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Agrumes UE : Panique face aux importations égyptiennes

TVFinance | 10 janv., 2024 09:50

The Valencian Association of Agricultural Producers (AVA-ASAJA) has issued a message aiming to prevent panic in the citrus sector in the face of the imports of Egyptian oranges into the European market. The agricultural organization said that the news published in the media and the fewer number of buying and selling operations taking place in recent days are "raising concerns" among Valencian producers, but is urging them to "stay calm, based on objective arguments in the current citrus campaign."... <a href="" target="_blank">Lire la suite</a><br><br> *** Découvrez l’ensemble des services de La lettre de l’Acheteur©, la revue de presse internationale qui traite chaque jour des articles les plus importants sur les matières premières utilisées dans l’industrie agroalimentaire sur <a href="" target="_blank"></a> *** <br><br> Toute l’actualité et analyses des matières premières sur c’est <a href="" target="_self">ici</a>